The Ordered Orthology Bacteria Data Base consists of 4445 data text files; Each of these files contains data of one species, and named by its NCBI TaxID. All this data it taken from EggNOG D.B. The rows in the file appear in the same order the genes are found in the genome. Every row of every file of these files holds information on one particular gene, in Comma Separated structure. It contains the following fields: Taxid, Gene-name, Contig, Srnd(+/-), Start-pos, Stop-pos, Length, Cog-name.
Besides the Data files, the D.B. contains a speciesNames file  that maps Taxid to full NCBI name. Src contains few (zipped) scripts that has been used to produce the data files and the information for this paper, and synteny-index calculating simulator.
  1. Data
  2. speciesNames
  3. Src
DNA molecule on a white background. Medicine of the future.