Next “Bioinformatic Pizza Seminar” will be held on June 12, 2019 in the Mada’im B seminar room.

The seminar will be given by Dr. Laura Steindler from the Dept. Marine Biology, Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences at the University of Haifa: “When culturing is not yet an option: -omics in marine symbiosis research”.


The Bioinformatic Pizza


Sagi’s paper: “Greedy Partition Distance under Stochastic Models – Analytic Results״ . is accepted to ISBRA 2019.

ISBRA 2019


The Computational Genomics Summer Institute brings together mathematical and computational scientists, sequencing technology developers in both industry and academia, and the biologists who use the instruments for particular research applications



Sagi will give a talk at the Annual Meeting of the Israeli Mathematical Union (IMU) at Hebrew U.

The Israeli Mathematical Union Meeting, 2019


“Synteny Footprints Provide Clearer Phylogenetic Signal than Sequence Data for Prokayotic Classification”. Accepted to Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 

Gur and Sagi’s paper is accepted at Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.


Our colleague, partner, and mostly friend, Eliezer Eskin from UCLA, was elected as the 2019 International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) fellow. This is in large part, thanks to his innovative and pioneering initiative, Computational Genomics Summer Institute(CGSI) that will be given this summer for the fourth time.

ISCB Congratulates the 2019 Class of Fellows!


Eugene Koonin visited the lab on Feb 21 and gave a special Pizza talk on ‘Cancer evolution: mutation-selection balance and driver-passenger interplay’

February 2019


Sagi gave the (3rd time) workshop Introduction to Phylogenetics at UCLA 

February 2019


Sagi will participate as a faculty in the 2019 Computational Genomics Winter Institute (CGWI) at UCLA

February 2019


Cryptography and Algorithms in Bioinformatics . A Workshop in Honor of Prof. Benny Chor’s 60th Birthday. Organized by Oded Goldreich and Sagi.

February 2017


Sagi was in the program faculty of the Computational Genomics Summer Institute that will take place at the Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA.

July 2016


This year, the Israeli Bioinformatic Symposium, will be hosted at University of Haifa. Mark the day: May 18th, 2016. This year we open a tradition of having IBS a hub for Bioinfo people from academy and industry.

May 2016


Sagi has won the prestigious grant from the Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung) that is the largest private research funder and one of the major foundations in Germany. Together with his German partner Prof. Burkhard Morgenstern they were awarded 246,000 EURO for three years to study A Maximum-Likelihood approach to Alignment-free Phylogeny Reconstruction .

January 2016


Sagi is going for a sabbatical at UCLA to mainly swim but also work (little) with Eliezer Eskin.

August 2015


Eliran has won the prestigious IBM research fellowship and will spend the summer at Laxmi Parida’s computational genomics group at IBM research center in New York. Good luck Eliran!!

May 2015


Our grant proposal Tracing Prokaryotic Evolution via Ordered Orthology was awarded by the Israel Science Foundation. The grant will focus on loss of synteny as an evolutionary signal and will exploit it for several applications such as Phylogenetics, horizontal gene transfer detection, and alike.

July 2014

Sagi will be visiting the workshop Computational Theories of Evolution as part of the Evolutionary Biology and the Theory of Computing program at the the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at Berkeley.

May 2014


Our paper Phylo SI: A New Genome Wide Approach for Prokaryotic Phylogeny (with Anton Shifman, Noga Ninyo, and Uri Gophna ) got into Nucleic Acids Research . The paper uses loss of synteny among organisms to construct a phylogeny. It provides greater sensitivity over rRNA based trees, while averaging the signal over the whole genome. Application to Alphaproteobacteria species could find relationship in the Brucella clade that could not be revealed by the 16S tree or the Tree Of Life.

October 2013


Another quartet paper (with Noga Alon and Raphy Yuster ) got intoACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA14). The paper, “On the compatibility of quartet trees”, shows, using probabilistic arguments, that there is a (very) inconsistent quartet set (O(n log n)-inconsistent, i.e., no tree rejects less than O(n log n) quartets), but every subset of which of size O(n/log(n)) is consistet. We also provide upper and lower bounds to the classical conjecture of Bandelt and Dress (1986) on minimum quartet incompatibility.

September 2013


Our Universal PaceMaker paper was chosen to the highlight of Nature Reviews Genetics. In brief, we provide a novel evolutionary model that accounts for correlations among gene rates. The rival explanation for gene correlation, the Molecular Clock hypothesis, was found significantly inferior. This finding suggests that all genes at a lineage change their (respective) rate in unison and this ranges to the earliest periods of life on Earth.

December 2012


A symposium marking the retirement of Prof. Edward Trifonov

Bioinformatics: Past, Present, and Future

May 2012


Our paper (with S. Roch) on upper and lower bounds on horizontal transfer for phylogenetic reconstructibility accepted to RECOMB 2012

December 2011


Mathematical and Computational Approaches in High-Throughput Genomics workshop at IPAM, UCLA.

September 2011


We got the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF)and the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) grants. The BSF is jointly with Eugene Koonin from the NCBI, NIH, titled: Analytical framework for a comprehensive analysis of the prokaryotic mobilome. The ISF title: Using computational tools for peacing together the tree of life.

July 2010


The 13th Israeli Bioinformatics Symposium at Haifa

April 2010


A new M.Sc. Bioinformatics program with evolutionary emphasis at the Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, at the University of Haifa.

September 2009


Our quartet approximation paper (with Raphy Yuster) got intoACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA10) , ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA10)).

September 2009


Celebrating 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his book The Origin of Species , a symposium for the ley audience 

June 2009


the Phylogeny Workshop in Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics 22nd-25th June 2009.

June 2009




The Haifa University

    1. July
      Eliran and Sagi participated (and gave talks)in the 2nd Computational Genomics Summer Institute that took place at the Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA.
  • Feb
    Cryptography and Algorithms in Bioinformatics . A Workshop in Honor of Prof. Benny Chor’s 60th Birthday. Organized by Oded Goldreich and Sagi.
  • July
    Sagi will be in the program faculty of the Computational Genomics Summer Institute that will take place at the Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA.
  • May
    This year, the Israeli Bioinformatic Symposium, will be hosted at University of Haifa. Mark the day: May 18th, 2016. This year we open a tradition of having IBS a hub for Bioinfo people from academy and industry.
  • January
    Sagi has won the prestigious grant from the Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung) that is the largest private research funder and one of the major foundations in Germany. Together with his German partner Prof. Burkhard Morgenstern they were awarded 246,000 EURO for three years to study A Maximum-Likelihood approach to Alignment-free Phylogeny Reconstruction .
  • August
    Sagi is going for a sabbatical at UCLA to mainly swim but also work (little) with Eliezer Eskin.
  • May
    Eliran has won the prestigious IBM research fellowship and will spend the summer at Laxmi Parida’s computational genomics group at IBM research center in New York. Good luck Eliran!!
  •   July
    Our grant proposal Tracing Prokaryotic Evolution via Ordered Orthology was awarded by the Israel Science Foundation. The grant will focus on loss of synteny as an evolutionary signal and will exploit it for several applications such as Phylogenetics, horizontal gene transfer detection, and alike. So we again are looking for students…
  • Simons Evolution March
    Sagi will be visiting the workshop Computational Theories of Evolution as part of the Evolutionary Biology and the Theory of Computing program at the the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at Berkeley.
  • Bacteria
 tree Oct
    Our paper Phylo SI: A New Genome Wide Approach for Prokaryotic Phylogeny (with Anton Shifman, Noga Ninyo, and Uri Gophna ) got into Nucleic Acids Research . The paper uses loss of synteny among organisms to construct a phylogeny. It provides greater sensitivity over rRNA based trees, while averaging the signal over the whole genome. Application to Alphaproteobacteria species could find relationship in the Brucella clade that could not be revealed by the 16S tree or the Tree Of Life.
  • quartet
 approximation Sep
    Another quartet paper (with Noga Alon and Raphy Yuster ) got into ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA14). The paper, “On the compatibility of quartet trees”, shows, using probabilistic arguments, that there is a (very) inconsistent quartet set (O(n log n)-inconsistent, i.e., no tree rejects less than O(n log n) quartets), but every subset of which of size O(n/log(n)) is consistet. We also provide upper and lower bounds to the classical conjecture of Bandelt and Dress (1986) on minimum quartet incompatibility.
  • Universal PaceMaker Dec
    Our Universal PaceMaker paper was chosen to the highlight of Nature Reviews Genetics. In brief, we provide a novel evolutionary model that accounts for correlations among gene rates. The rival explanation for gene correlation, the Molecular Clock hypothesis, was found significantly inferior. This finding suggests that all genes at a lineage change their (respective) rate in unison and this ranges to the earliest periods of life on Earth.
  • RECOMB 2012 Dec
    Our paper (with S. Roch) on upper and lower bounds on horizontal transfer for phylogenetic reconstructibility accepted to RECOMB 2012
  • Bioinformatics program Jul
    We got the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) and the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) grants. The BSF is jointly with Eugene Koonin from the NCBINIH, titled: Analytical framework for a comprehensive analysis of the prokaryotic mobilome.
    The ISF title: Using computational tools for peacing together the tree of life.
  • Phylogenetics 2009 Jun
    the Phylogeny Workshop in Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics 22nd-25th June 2009.

Available Positions

We are looking for individuals who are interested in solving very challenging problems concerned with evolution which will have a large impact in biological sciences. A typical student in the lab should have a strong computational or quantitative background and is interested in biological problems.
Biological background is not mandatory (but of course cannot harm) upon starting, but is expected to be acquired gradually.

New New New New New New New

Due to recent ISF and BSF grant awards with leading labs in the US, excelent students are required. Fellowship includes high salary and visits at the partner lab.

Graduate Students

Graduate Students are welcome to start a project in the group. In particular, Computer Science or related discipline students with little biological background are very welcome. We will teach you the biology you need to know. Any extended biological knowledge is up to you.


Undergraduates who are interested in working on a research project are encouraged to take relevant courses and join the lab.

In any case you are invited to contact either by phone or Email and inquire information. We are offering diversified projects in the broad area mathematical evolutionary biology. See projects list for details on available projects.